Friday, September 13, 2024

Next run SUNDAY 13 October 2024 at 4pm

Your Hare: will be Two Shoes and later, much later, your host will be Loco

Location: 3 Melina Place, at the end of Currawong Rd, Yugar

Time: 4pm on SUNDAY 13 October 2024

Stubby and Schnapps set the last run which took the hounds through shaded trails with lots of nice forest. The latter bit of forest was through a koala monitoring project where we left a K sign on a particular attractive gum tree, its trunk had a huge amount of koala claw marks on it

The biggest sinner was ET

Big Ear's shared a BIG occasion with us all and we thanked him for his kindness in providing amber nectar for us all

Flower as usual sang her heart out

Later, as always we said On On

Saturday, August 31, 2024

NEXT RUN - SUNDAY 8 September at 4pm

Your hares: Stubby and Schnapps

Location: Surrey Farm Park, Bergin Creek Rd, Bunya

Time: SUNDAY 8 September 2024 at 4pm

Get on your feet and come along to Surrey Farm Park. There is a loo on site. Specials, some chairs please.

Some people could not find the last run:

The hounds and hares gathered at Raven's Street Reserve and here are a few snaps:

Smooth Ride set the run but the hounds complained that there were not enough hills, Tail's dinner went down without a woof.
Streaky was a virgin runner and the Hash welcomed her to our kennel

Crowny and ET were awarded a down down

Baggins and Singapore Sling were rewarded with a song by Flower. Thanks to all we had a fun evening. On On


Monday, August 5, 2024

Next Run SUNDAY 11 August 2024 at 4pm

Hello Hashers,

Your Hare: Smooth Ride
Your Host: Tail

Location: Raven Street Reserve, Rode Rd, West Chermside

A great run site for you, plenty of parking at the mail entrance and a toilet on site. We have had some good wildlife sightings of late and Raven Street Reserve is always a pleasure to run through. On On

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Our Everton Park Run on Sunday 9th June 2024

 Good day Hashers,

Thanks to Jake the Peg we had a really great run along Kedron Brook and around the streets of Everton Park, later we were hosted to a delicious Thai green curry cooked up by Flower.

This is us gathered by Fallon Cottage. We started the run from here and headed off to Kedron Brook which we followed for some time. As usual Jake the Peg laid a well marked trail with plenty of checks. As advertised the runners arrived back home after exactly an hour with the walkers taking slightly longer and arriving home after exactly 60 minutes!

Flower and Jake the Peg received our appreciation for their efforts that afternoon, we then went on to highlight those who had committed various indiscretions along the route and later tucked into Flower's really tasty Thai green curry.   

It was a very enjoyable afternoon, thanks for turning up and and thanks to both Hares, On On

                                                                        Jake the Peg

                                                                      Smooth Ride

                                                                   Skidmark and Tail

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Next Run - SUNDAY 9th June 2024 at 4pm

Your Hares: Flower and Jake the Peg

Location: Fallon Cottage, Fallon St, Everton Park

Time: 4pm on SUNDAY 9th June 2024

Specials: Only yourselves at the moment

Our Mother's Day run was from Ironbark Gully, Ferny Grove. Perhaps thinking that some Mother's would bring prams Bed Cracker had set us a very gently run around the residences of Ferny Grove, it was very well marked and had ZERO hills.

Unfortunately Vegemite could not attend, so only Bedcracker was given a down down.  

Skiddy and Sherpa were having a clear out at home and brought us about a hundred Hash shirts from various places around the world, thanks for that. 

Jake the Peg reeled off a long list of grievances, all deserved, and Flower had a song for every one of them. Bedcracker had whipped up potato salad with all the trimmings and some splendid teriyaki chicken. Thanks everyone, On On

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Next Run SUNDAY 12th May 2024 at 4pm

Your Hares: Bedcracker and Vegemite

Location: Iron Bark Gully, Samford Rd, Ferny Hills

Time: SUNDAY 12th May 2024 at 4pm

Hello Hashers, Your hares are looking forward to entertain you in the forests of Ferny Hills, no specials at this stage.

Last run: 

Hashers gathered at the Camp Hills Bowels Club for Bite n Sucks birthday run. We set off on a tour of Camp Hill, yes we certainly had our share of hills which caused some to huff and puff. Some parks and great views of Brisbane, we had well marked trails and good checks along the way.

Flower thanked the hares and we sang some songs.

We were treated to a fantastic sunset

Later we had some splendid Thai food on the house, thank you hares for your varied choices and generous helpings.

Some can have their cake and eat it

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Next Run - SUNDAY 7 April 2024 at 4pm

Your Hares: Verbal Diarrhoea and Bite n Suck

Location: CHANGE DUE TO RAIN! - NOW Camp Hill Bowls Club, 150 Ferguson Rd Camp Hill

Time: 4pm on SUNDAY 7 April 2024

Specials: its a 70th birthday celebration, bring some chairs.  

Jake the Peg's run:

                                                                      Warming up
                                                        Thanks Jake the Peg, great run
                                                        Too Mature was in trouble again

                             Tazzy Crumpet was welcomed to the Hash with a song from Flower.