Run Report with Photos.
Well done - Whippet and Gerbils chose a nice cool location at the top of Mount Glorious to have the Christmas run.
So on one of the wettest days of the year the bedraggled hare’s were found sitting in their shelter hoping that someone else would show up.
By the start of the run the rain had stopped as we were now inside the cloud and visibility was at about 25 ft however a good number attended with the usual suspected joined by the returning Lings. Holy Smoke arrived just in time to join the pack for the first back check and then we were off into the aptly named rain forest.
Good run down to the water fall and then reversed direction back home.
Some girly sillyness from Bigfoot and Spice girl regarding a couple of small leaches all of which got transferred to Rumourmonger who spent the circle searching himself for more leaches.
Wonderful Christmas spread of cold meats and salads washed down with plenty of warming Gluehwein. And a Happy Christmas to all.