Ned Kelly, a FRB, was welcomed to the Hash. The Hares briefed us that we could expect to get our shoes wet, we needed a torch and then mumbled that they expected to be holding a wet T shirt competition at the end.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Water World Run and Next Activities
Ned Kelly, a FRB, was welcomed to the Hash. The Hares briefed us that we could expect to get our shoes wet, we needed a torch and then mumbled that they expected to be holding a wet T shirt competition at the end.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Next Run - Sunday 05th December 2010 + Last Word/Photos

Thanks Grouse – great run!
Next run is Sunday 5th December.
Meet at Undambi Rotary Park, corner of Mount Glorious Road and Mount O’Reilly Road, Highvale UBD Page 106 E14.
Hares: Rumourmonger and Spice Girl. After the run, it’s back to their abode for a quick bite
(thankfully, their recent visitor, Mr E. Brown, pictured here, has now moved on!!)

On, On! Rumourmonger
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Grouse Sheila's Run - Sunday 07th November at 4 PM
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Next Run - Sunday 07th November & Hash Words/Photos

Hash Words
The second run back since Interhash attracted a good turnout of regulars and visitors, and we certainly ran for our curry laksa this Sunday (never enough hills at Iron Bark Gully). Stubby and Schnapps were the hares and set an interesting trail through some old and new territory. A cautionary word of warning to all Samford hashers, never trust the hare when he says, the trail will be going that way “trust me”!!!
Hashy Birthdays announcements included Topless and Rumourmonger. Thank you to Topless for the German Apple strudel in celebration of German National Day/Oktoberfest and Schnapps for the cup cakes.
Spice girl lost her reading glasses and tried to get away with wearing a t-shirt clearly marked Rumourmonger. She was duly punished as a shirt thief, and Bigfoot joined her down down for inappropriate dress. Skiddy and Sherpa added to the fine gene pool of hashers bringing Snake Charmer along, as well as Bite’n suck (not related despite choice of names). We also welcomed Kerry, a virgin Hasher. The four footed and furry additions to our crew were Miles and Zoe.
Dinner was a romantic event with candles and a fine table cloth. Next hash we will be expecting violin music and champagne, any volunteers??? Make a note in your diary for November 7th!!
On On
Monday, September 13, 2010
Next Run - Sunday 03rd October at 4 PM
After a quiet period the bulk of our members have returned from Kuching fired up with enthusiasm and ready to run. So next run is on the 3rd October from Iron Bark Gulley, we are staying on the Winter Schedule for a little longer so it’s at 4pm or 16.00 hours for our international jet setters.
Use the Lower car park visible from the road, and park sensibly so we can get everyone in.
Next - Run: Sunday 3rd October
Hares – Stubby and Schnapps
Location - Iron Bark Gully UBD Page 117- F/17
Time: 4PM
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Spend Your Ekka Day With SamfordHHH Inc
Ekka Day Walk.
When: 11th August 2010 at 9AM
Location and Details: Approximate UBD Page 157 F/8 see directions below.
Highwood road at the top of the newly opened Gap Creek road. When you get to the new roundabout at the crest of GCR head west. Park on the verge along the road and meet at the turn around at the end.
8.30 for a 9am start. About 12km’s too and around Enoggera reservoir.
Steady pace and as before periodic regroups, no one left behind. Bring water, snacks to share (I like jelly snakes, but not the cheap ones) and a picnic for after, we have nothing else to do that day.
After the walk we can go down to the bottom of Gap creek to the Picnic area where Hash Beer/Wine and softies will be available.
On On Skiddy
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Next Run & Kuching Photos Below

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Kuching Photos

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Next Run - Sunday 13th June at 4 PM

Friday, May 14, 2010
Fun at Iron Bark Gully & Next Run

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Next Run - Sunday 09th May at 4 PM - & Last Weeks Words

Hopping along at Glasshouse
The Glasshouse Mountains provided the scenic backdrop for the April 25 Samford Hash House Harriers Inc run.
Fittingly, being Anzac Day, our pickled (sorry seasoned) veterans, Skidmark and Sherpa, stepped into the breach as hares. Setting off from Glasshouse Mountain Holiday Village, they led us through a maze of pineapple plantations and forest trails, with the occasional swamp thrown in for good measure. Falsies, back checks and hold checks, though plentiful, failed to slow the fleet-footed FRBs as they made a bee-line for the beer.
In their haste, some runners opted for a more direct route home. But not Winnie. Refusing to deviate from the path of righteousness, she blundered on into a swamp, where she came across Pooh, courtesy of a passing horse.
Back at base camp, a lively circle and sausage sizzle and retribution for the criminal elements awaited. Gerbils led an academic discussion on ways of reducing the growing population of bufo marinus (what a great hash name!), better known as cane toads.
Together with toad whisperer, Wopa, she proceeded to catch as many of the critters as could be stuffed into a plastic bag, ready for painless despatch in her freezer. Flower, normally no shrinking violet, wilted in disgust at the spectacle. Luckily, she failed to notice some of the sausages hopping off the BBQ! Bigfoot sneaked off to watch Dr Who on the telly - leaving the remaining members of our own horny, wildlife specie – hasher vulgaris – to party on.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Next Run - Sunday 25th April 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Gerbils & Whippts Run - Photos & Next Weeks Run

Words - Thanks to Art Attack!!!
Holy Smoke(s), it was a good run at Whippet and Gerbils burrow on Sunday for the Samford Hash House Harriers Inc (SHHHINC). The Boxy suburbs have some good hashing Cuntry, rain had made it a bit difficult to follow the trail, we had a bit of a Runabout…… Evans-above it was tricky at times. But with Drovers Dog to sniff out the trail and Shitzu to snap at our heels we struggled on. Some Shiggy, as promised, for the hashers to Rover over (except for those that took the high road and used the bridge…SCB’s!) We did not expect to run for Miles but we did… alas Miles did not run! At least there were no Art Attack’s on the run and no Sherpa’s needed to complete this hash despite what some Rumormongers said. Freshly laundered hash gear now smelly with sweat and one set with Skidmarks, but not mine! We took our Big Foots out our shoes (or our ‘five fingers’ depending on your foot attire) no-one dressed like a Spice Girl, not even Jodie Foster although some wondered about the JM’s attire, was that shirt by George. There were plenty of Stubbies luckily they were not in ‘short’ supply, sadly no Schnapps to complete the day but the choice of homemade curries, roti and rice was very nice instead.
Thanks to Whippet and Gerbil for the run and yummy food and apologies to Just Kelly and Rini who names I could not fit in these words I stole from the hares.
Next Weeks Run:
Samford Hash, by coincidence, are having their usual Sunday run at 4pm in Glass House Mountain Village on Sunday 25th. ANZAC day.
Start will be at 4pm with a traditional run with short cuts for walkers. Pay as you go bucket and snacks provided by the Hare, Skidmark, after the run.
Start point will be a short way from the Glasshouse Mountain Holiday Village resort, exact location TBA.
All are welcome including Thirsty ;-}
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Special Invitation From Gerbils & Whippet
Holy Smoke, this should be a good run at Whippet and Gerbils burrow on Sunday for the next Samford HHH Inc (SHHINC) run. Though we are in the suburbs there is a lot of good hashing Cuntry and maybe even some Shiggy for the hashers to Rover over. We don’t expect to run for Miles so don’t worry about having an Art Attack. You will not need to be a Sherpa to complete this hash run despite what some Rumormongers might say. So clean the Skidmarks from your hash gear and put your Big Foots into your shoes and come on over on at 4pm on Sunday. You can even dress like a Spice Girl if you want. There will be some Stubbies for after the run and perhaps some Schnapps to complete the day.
On On!
Whippet and Gerbils
Location: Mitchelton - Call 0410226466
Start Time: 4 PM
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Next Run - News & An Invite to a New Hash
Run to start around 3pm; Location - Call 0410226466 for Directions.
Bring some nibblies if you like for after the run & into the evening; BYO Money for Hash nosh - pizza. Drinks can be purchased from the Hares at a reasonable price, (BYO if you have particular beer/wine tastes, or if you drink spirit mixers);
Camping overnight is welcomed and recommended, especially if you are going to have a few drinkies; Breakfast will be shouted by the Hares.
Thanks To The Previous Hares:
Einstein & Jumbo for the Samford Run of the 21st March, and to Rover & Art Attack for their run of 07th March, we really had fun and are sorry we had no time to write them up.
On On
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Next Run – Sunday 21st March 2010 at 5 PM
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Sexy Tiger Run of 14th February 2010 & Next Weeks Run Details

Highvale had a few sprinkles and plenty of mossies lingering around. A finely marked trail with numerous checkpoints kept us on the move. There was plenty of running with high knees to avoid what you might step on and to stay clear of overgrown trail. Hills and slippery creek crossings, not enough! The trail was quite an exciting excursion and had us all ready forthe circle in thirst.
There were some sexy accusations for Valentine’s Day. Schnapps, SpiceGirl, and Sherpa were called in to receive a rose for being married way too long to their wonderful, loving partners wearing red underwear. You could honestly tell who was born in the year of a Tiger as they truly match the description… Schnapps! You are mischievous.
We had a beautiful dinner made by SpiceGirl. Most of us could guess how she got her name without having to ask. Did anyone pile on the chili hot sauce? I have cleared sinuses and could not taste my spring rolls as well after that topping! The meal was well rounded and represented the Chinese New year very well since we ended in a gift, scratchies to
See what money we won! However, I do not believe anyone ate the intestines SpiceGirl nicely presented on a plate to earn another scratchie.
Happy Birthday to Sherpa & Cuntry Member in the year of the Tiger.

The Lucky WinNAS
Next Run - 28th February 2010
Location - Karalee - address TBA - Start 5PM
Hares: Rover, Art Attack and Miles
Visitors: Call Stubby 0410226466 for details
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Sexy Tiger Run For Chinese New Year & Valentines Day
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Last Run Report & Next Run - February 14th !!!!!!

Don't let anyone fool you - there are hills in Dayboro! Lots of them, the pack got to know them quite well.
The (very) recent rain also raised the level of the river - we got to check that out.
It raised the level of the grass - we got to check that out - lots of wet feet!
And it provided plenty of very dead cane toads for Kelly to admire.
Some of the braver hashers braved the chilly waters of the pool before a very lively circle.
Some of the charges included Rumour monger charged for boasting - to the extent he has his middle name written on his shoes! there was a very spurious charge involving not calling on when trail was found - just as these hashers were called 'witches' the heavens opened up..... hmmm.
Some good jokes, and as can be expected, some great food.
As our most recent overseas import - Kelly was educated in more ways of the Aussie bush with lessons on snakes, frogs, spiders, etc....
Our next run is scheduled for Gung Hay Fat Choy - the year of the Tiger AND Valentines Day participants are encouraged to purchase red undies to wear to the run. This will increase your luck factor for the coming year.... hmmm. Can't promise there wont be spot checks to see if you have heeded the advice...
On On
And for those who were interested in the Green Mango Chutney recipe...
Kokub's Green Mango Chutney from Pakistan
3 cm piece fresh ginger, peeled, chopped
3 cloves garlic, peeled
1/2 cups white sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dried chilli flakes
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
2 cardamom pods
4 cardamom seeds
1 cinnamon stick
5 whole cloves
1 cup white vinegar
5 black peppercorns, crushed
1. Place the mango into a large pot. Crush the ginger and garlic using a mortar and pestle until they become a smooth paste and add to the mangoes. Stir in the sugar, salt, chilli flakes, cumin, cardamom pods and seeds, cinnamon stick and cloves. Cover and leave to stand at room temperature overnight.
2. The next day, place the pot over medium heat and cook, stirring occasionally for about 30 minutes or until mixture begins to thicken. Stir in the vinegar and peppercorns and cook for 1 minute more. Cool before filling into sterillised jars.