Location: John Scott Park, Samford UBD Page 106 - M/14
Time: 06th February 2011 at 5 PM
On On.
Another Great Day For Hashing- Cuntry Members Run of 09th Jan 2011:
Eleven water-proof hashers turned up in Albany Creeks Water World next to the Sandy Creek. The wild weather warnings meant nothing to them (except for Gerbils !) and the only serious question was if any chalk or flour would be visible for directions on the run…..
Hare Cuntry Member had chosen the safer option of his shredder supplies
First we came across a false trail with no other way than to go back and to take the first dip into the floods. Followed by as many plunges as one can include into a 90 minute refreshing hash through some lake districts, water ways, Colorado River like creeks, lush green parklands and forest.
The well designed wet season route disappointed no one and the smell of beer and wine activated a well known sense of how to get back to home!
Non stop rain at the on on under the tin roof, the girls forecast was “It's raining men”. RA Whippet dished out some hash fines and the attention changed to Cuntry’s nibbles and hash nosh, which we all enjoyed.
It was just another great day for hashing. Thanks Cuntry Member! ON ON
Volunteer to be a hare, it's great fun! Plus the Chinese New Year of the Hare - sorry - Rabbit will start just 3 days beforehand!
Come and join us. The next run on 06th Feb will be marked with chop sticks and the weather will be perfect, dry & hot to make you thirsty.