Location: Samford/Highvale area - New Hashers call 0410226466 for directions.
Last Run Words:
The hills are alive with the sound of wheezing...
At least they were at Lomandra Picnic Area on July 3 as we set off on another of Stubby's deceptive "flat" runs that keep going up, up, up!
Assisted by his partner in climb, Schnapps, the trail twisted and turned through the undulating nether regions of Ferny Grove (an area notorious for after-dusk undulations, according to Stubby who knows about such things). A combination of crafty false trails, back checks and altitude sickness kept the pack together, and reined in our regular FRBs Cuntry Member and Grouse Sheila.
Back at the circle, the hares dished up a superb, chill-thawing spread. Skiddy raffled off everything except his beloved Red Dress tutu in support of Nash Hash activities. We welcomed back Bootee and Biggus Dickus and sadly farewelled Holy Smoke, a Samford Inc regular, who is moving to Noosa, and will be greatly missed - until we all roll up at her new pad for dinner!
Over-achiever down-downs were awarded to Whippet for whipping through the Gold Coast half-marathon in 1hr 22 mins that morning and to Rumourmonger for completing an extra loop on Stubby's hill-a-thon. Great run, fun and food - thanks hares!
Next run: Sunday August 7 at 4:00pm. Hares: Rumourmonger & Spice Girl at their House of Correction (address via email for first-time visitors to Samford's red-light district).
Grouse Sheila lead the way - again |
Our very own Fleet Footed News of The World Reporter in sprint mood |
Portrait of the Hares - Stubby and Schnapps!!!! |