Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Year Of The Dragon Run + Next Run Details

Gong Xi Fa Chai - Welcome in the Year of The Dragon.

Their reputation for hospitality and fine runs drew Hashers from both South side and North side and we also welcomed quite a few new Hashers and a couple of returnees. Ned turned up in new shoes and had us laughing like Kookaburras cos we knew there was a good chance of some muddy trails.

The Hares always find some new trails, or maybe its that we can't remember back too far. However, we always have one or two compulsory crossings of the South Pine River to contend with and Ned did us proud with his slippy rocks routine, sadly Hash Flash missed the shot but we all heard the splash.

The On On was fun and we learnt that Whippet & Gerbils are off to Ulan Bator - just to prove that its there. I can't remember how many sinners there were but once that was over we fell under the spell of Spice Girl who proved that its not just Dragons that can have HOT breath.

Thanks Hares, and also those who travelled so far to join us, hope to see you again.

The runners at a hold check waiting for the Knitters!

The South Pine River

Pole Cat & Bootie

A few sinners show how its done

Thanks Hares - On On

Next Run: 04th March 2012

Your Hares: Gerbils and Whippet

Location: Ferny Hills. Call 0410226466 for directions

Why: To say goodbye and good luck as they head off to Far Flung Places

On On