Your Hare: Topless
Location: Margate Beach, address will be e-mailed. Will Bee Gees Way be included?
The Time: 4PM
Last Run:
The Hash Environmental Officer arranged a Pit Stop in the "Celebration Hut" of Hashgrove. |
The runners, who were by this time well ahead of the walkers, were confronted with the largest check circle ever found. Earlier we had scoffed at the suggestion by the Hare that the run was sooooo long she had run out of chalk - now we knew why. As for those that lost the trail, how could you, just look at the size of the arrows that Grouse Sheila set - Guide Dog friendly even! |
After the Inc's AGM, our irrepressible Hare started the evenings proceedings as any Sheila would do! |
Our New Hash GM, Crown Larger, was welcomed by all and shared a down down with 2 sinners . The parrot in the background kept chanting "she's all right she's all right_____" - well Polly might have been taught those words by Hash cook, nobody disagreed. |