Sunday, December 27, 2015

Next Run Sunday 3rd January 2016 at 5 PM

Your Hares: Stubby and Schnapps

Location: John Scott Park, Samford Village

Time: Sunday 5 PM

Its a great area for Hash, so come along for a fun run as we see in the New Year.

On On

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Next Run - Sunday 6th December 2015 at 5 PM + Christmas Hash photos

Your Hare: Flower

Location: Bridgeman Downs. Call Flower on 0408706641 for directions.

Time: 5 PM on Sunday 6th December 2015.

Its not often you can run on flower during the day, we look forward to seeing you this Sunday.

Thanks to our Hares XXXX and Crown Larger for our last run and the very fine Mexican evening.

Here are a few photos from the SEQ Christmas Hash
Schnapps snaps some Hares

The runners trickle in to the drink stop

A Fower in full bloom

SEQ Hashers

Vandawho and Coco doing what comes naturally when on Hash

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Next Run - Sunday 1st November 2015 at 4 PM

Your Hares: XXXX and Crown Larger

Location: TBA

Time: 4 PM on Sunday 1st November 2015 at 4 PM

The Last Run: Rumourmonger and Spice Girl are moving on, so we all came together to farewell them on their way but I'm sure we will be Hashing with them again one of these days.
It wasn't long before we were fording some of the well known stream of the beautiful Samford Valley. Normally the streams are flowing at this time of year, by the looks of it it we are in for a very dry summer. Tess lead the runners all the way, taking time out to cool off in some of the pools along the way. As usual the Hares set a well marked run for both the W's and the R's with plenty of circles to keep us all together.  
President Flower gathered us in a circle to pay our respects to the Hares for their run and of course for all that they have done for the Hash community in the years past. Flower was full of song and soon had the resident family of Kookaburras joining us in laughter. 
It was good to see some returnees and we welcomed 2 new Virgins, Jock and Jockess, to the world of Hash. These Jocks were well prepared for Hashing, the boots they wore had been over most Munros and since there are 282 of them its no wonder they looked so fit. We had various sinners in for a down down and later tucked into a Spice Girl special. 
Its evenings like this that you don't forget
It was only fitting that Rumourmonger and Spice Girl were presented SH3 Certificates from Hash Craft Schnapps, their runs have always been fun and we all look forward to catching up with them somewhere soon. On On   

Friday, September 18, 2015

Next Run: Sunday 4th October 2015 at 4PM

Your Hares: Rumourmonger and Spice Girl

Location: High Vale, Samford Valley. Contact a Hash Member for details.

Time: 4 PM on Sunday 4th October 2015

The outgoing Committee of SH3 Inc were given a Down Down
Hare Grouse Sheila set a cunning trail for W's and R's with plenty of checks and false trails. Runners were still emerging from undergrowth to join the Circle, or maybe they just arrived late  
Too Mature assisted with the fry up which joined forces with the backed potatoes to fend off Hash hunger   
Crown Larger, Big Ears and Flower were all sinners for something or other
Spice Girl got a Down Down and along with Rumourmonger and Big Foot volunteered to set the next run. It will be one to remember so make sure you are there 

Monday, August 31, 2015

AGM Run - Sunday 6th September 2015 at 4 PM

Your Hare: Grouse Sheila

Location: Griffith Uni - Nathan Campus. Park in Carpark K on the Southern Ring Road - it's the first car
park on the left if you come in from the freeway (East) side. Go to the south-west end of the car park
You'll see the rear entrance to the "ecocentre" - there will be Hash marks. 
UBD page 200 L/8 AND UBD page 352 H/14 for a more detailed map.

Time: 4 PM on the 6th Sept 2015

Our Hares Too Mature and Big Ears set a challenging run around Mt Coot-tha, we are thankful that they made us run up the Kokoda Track and not down it. The trail was well laid and XXXX enjoyed the extra exercise by getting all the checks wrong. Flower was late for the start but showed us what she is made of and almost came out first. Thanks Hares for the very tasty Lamb Shanks hot pot, went down a treat.
Sherpa was delighted to tell us that Skidmark had forgotten an important date in their lives, he wasn't sheepish for long.
Our Song Mistress in full swing 
The talent of our Hash is for hire
Extras can be arranged for a small fee - you can even pay us a bigger fee to have them not turn up at your wedding

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Next Run - NEXT Sunday 2nd August 2015 at 4 PM

Your Hares: Big Ears and Too Mature

Location: The Hares are doing a recce today, will mail the details soon

Time: NEXT Sunday at 4 PM

Arrived at the Hash in style, shame it couldn't do the whole run
Our regular offenders were given a down down
VD gave a blow by blow account of how he got his black eye 
As VD described the pain he felt as each blow landed, we all laughed. Soon after we tucked into a very tasty Thai Green Chicken Curry which Schnapps had made using herbs from her own garden. Thanks Hares, On On

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Next Run - Sunday 5th July 2015 at 4 PM

Your Hares: Stubby and Schnapps

Location:  TBA soon

Time: 4 PM on 5th July

Thank you to VD and Bite n Suck for the longest run of the year - who will we go for another record?

Crown Larger had the Hares up for their down down, Bite n Suck had the last laugh as she bragged about staying back to do the dinner, and we all told her that it was more enjoyable than the run. Thanks to VD we were all starving.
We all listened intently as Radar told us what happens when you get to 60 and there were several accounts of how well his Birthday Hash Bash had gone
Bed Pan told us a story about how Radar nearly left her behind, it was as long as the run 
Captions please for what Flower said to get VD's reaction - you could win a prize

Monday, June 1, 2015

Next Run - 7th June 2015 at 4 PM

Your Hares: Verbal Diarrhoea and Bite n Suck

Location: ARC Hill Park, off Goss Rd, Virginia. UBD page 120 - K/14

Time: 4 PM on 7th June 2015

The Walk About Creek Run

According to legend the last person to use this National Park seat was taken by a Bull Shark. The Hash crossed several streams during their run about in the Enoggera Reservoir area. Well marked trails for walkers and runners led us to a shout up near the Park HQ.
Lost and Found was a welcome guest and given a down down for his first run with SH3 Inc
Very wisely Grouse Sheila left her new shoes behind, but it didn't stop her from trying to dob others in. XXXX and Crown Larger were thanked for the run and we all gave Crown Larger a thumbs up for her tasty hot pot. Thank Hares we all had fun.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Next Run - Sunday 03rd May 2015 at 4 PM + link to photos

Your Hares: XXXX and Crown Larger

Location: Walk About Creek, end of Waterworks Rd, start of Mt Nebo Rd, Just by the D'Aguilar Forest Park Information Centre. UBD page 137 - G/18

Time: 4 PM - Sunday 03rd May 2015

Last Run: Breaking news - a Troll who lives on Mt Coot-Tha gave a warm welcome to the SH3 Inc Hash and shared some of the gathering he had collected that afternoon

This friendly Troll had just had his afternoon swim and was still naked when the SH3 arrived. 
We shared the Troll's forest picking and toasted him with spring water
The Hares were given a down down for a well set run
Crown Larger welcomed Groucho and T-Mouse to our Hash - here they are explaining who they were and were did they come from - Groucho later presented our Grand Mistress with a Hash shirt from a hash that he started in Germany years back - thanks Groucho, see you again soon. 
Sherpa had recently completed her Breast Cancer Awareness training and had brought along her portable Mammogram Scanner. Our Grand Mistress volunteered to be screened. Groucho started to check for any unusual lumps but was soon dispatched as his hands were too cold. After the all clear was given Flower sang us some lovely songs and then we all tucked into some very good fodder. Thanks Hares.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Next Run - Sunday 12th April 2015 at 4 PM

Your Hares: Skidmark and Sherpa

Location: Between the Channel 7 & 9 antennas - Grey Gum picnic area. UBD P157 - P/10

When: Sunday 12th April 2015 AT 4 PM (WINTER TIME) 

Its The Three Billy Goats Gruff run - Don't worry about the area as through Hares extensive recce's we have found a flat run (on average).
Bring :- a hat, water, sunscreen, walking stick, bug spray, change of shoes etc, could be muddy AND A
sense of humour. On On

Last Run: Many were away for the last run, so for those who were not there this is where it went

The run was just over 7 km. Sadly XXXX could not download the elevations, but there was a need to stop and take in the view. We ditched the idea of Pot Luck and treated ourselves to a meal at the Samford Pub. On On

Monday, February 23, 2015

Next Run - Sunday 1st March 2015 at 5PM

Your Hares: Stubby & Schnapps will lead you astray.

Location: John Scott Park in the centre of Samford Village

Time: 5 PM - After the run we will retire to the Samford Hotel for more beer and some tucker

We were last lead astray by Verbal Diarrhoea:

Crown Larger thanked the Hare and he toasted his missing Bunny - she was in Melbourne
Was this a Men's Shed - I hardly think so
Verbal Diarrhoea is well known for framing people and this time he caught Schnapps out. Bite n Suck issued last minute instructions for dinner by mobile and shortly afterwards a very tasty sweet and sour chicken was served up for the hungry hounds. Well done VD and thanks for the run.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Next Run Sunday 1st February 2015 at 5 PM + some photos

Your Hares: Verbal Diarrhoea and Bite n Suck

Location: Meadowlands Parkland Picnic Ground, Meadowlands Rd/Wright St. UBD page 182 D/1

Time: 5 PM

Last RUN Hash Trash:
The majority of the pack had completed its warm up program, sadly one Hasher was not able to keep pace with the pack and was still struggling to maintain his balance. The run was fun and took us through various environments around Sunnybank. Too Mature had laid the trail past the local Opium Den, just as the runners arrived it happened to be raided by the Police, lucky for us we had been running towards the den and not away from it. Tess had a wonderful time time keeping the pack together and herding us to to On On 
Rosemary, a virgin Hasher, was welcomed to the pack.
Meng Meng was given a farewell down down, she soon returns to Beijing and intends to join one of the Hash Kennels
in her home town. Good luck. 
8 a lot stood tall between the Hares, Big Ears and Too Mature, as Flower lead everybody away with an outrageous song 
Flower was on a roll as the sinners received their down downs and we then tucked into some delicious Hash Nosh. Thanks Hares