Your Hares: Stubby and Schnapps
Location: Bunyaville Conservation Park picnic area, turn off Old Northern Rd into the Park, when you reach the ring road turn right for the picnic area. UBD page 118 - L/9.
Time: 4 PM sharp.
And on our last run:
The Hares provide alternative facts as to how the hounds could find and follow the trail. Considerable use was made of the Hares own hound as we encouraged Tess to follow the trail her owners set earlier, however, that didn't stop XXXX visiting every dead end there was. |
Too Mature and Big Ears got full marks for providing a trail that covered new ground and used every hill available |
Jo was our only virgin of the day, Flower took her away with a well known song and we look forward to seeing her again |
These Hashers admitted that they couldn't even remember when they started hashing |
The final down down of the evening, thanks Hares |