Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Next Run SUNDAY 3 December 2023 at 4pm

Your hares: Stubby and Schnapps

Location: Alfredson Park on Collins Rd, Everton Hills. There is a BBQ hut and toilet with plenty of parking space. Please bring a chair and Christmas Cheer. On On

Time: SUNDAY 3 December 2023 at 4pm

Our last run was set by Smooth Ride, from Hutchinson Park, Shorncliffe. We gathered at the rotunda and were grateful of the windbreak that Smooth Ride had installed. 

We set off towards the sea side and enjoyed the sea breezes along Lovers' Walk. Then we passed the old Masonic Hall, which is now a trendy restaurant called Matthew Thomas, up some steps (to simulate the hills that we are more used to) then on back through streets lined with old trees in full bloom and past some super old Queenslanders.

The rain stayed away and we thanked Smooth Ride with a down down.

We welcomed Titus as a virgin runner and Singapore Sling and ET who have been away for far too long. Flower led us in song and then we tucked into marinated chicken legs, potato salad and special cookies. Thanks Smooth Ride we enjoyed it all.

Titus, Singapore Sling and ET

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Next Run - SUNDAY 1 October 2023 at 4pm

Your Hare: XXXX

Location: The Gap Tavern, 21 Glenquarie Place, The Gap

Time: 4pm SUNDAY 1 October 2023

Specials: After the run we will retire to the Gap Tavern for food and amber nectar.

Our previous run:

It was a humdinger of a trail set by Verbal D and Bite n Suck did us proud by serving up a another of her super spreads. Thanks Hares.

On On 

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Photos and run report for Sunday 2 July 2023

We gathered on the sprawling plot of Two Shoes and Loco which is situated in Yugar, at the base of the mountains in Brian Burke Reserve.

Two Shoes did his best to convince us it was going to be a flat run.

The warning that we needed a "High level of Fitness" was of no concern for us as we went on up and up. There was hardly any need for the trail to be marked as we all knew it was just up and up and yes we could have done with a sherpa.

When we eventually got back to the run site and collapsed into our chairs we suddenly realised that we had a skidmarker among us. So Snow White commanded his and her 8 dwarfs to line up and without hesitation the culprit revealed himself/herself, but choose not to be identified. The 8 dwarfs all declined to give DNA samples.

After many years of service to Hash it was decided that Sam be named. Flower, our song star and President, had the honour to call Sam forward and inform the SH3 Inc that forever more Sam will be referred to as "Loco". To clarify any possible misunderstandings the fact that Sam had worked for Queensland Rail for 10 years had no influence on Hash naming her "Loco". 

Bedcracker and XXXX were naughty and had a down down.Thank you Two Shoes and Loco, we enjoyed the occasion. On On


Thursday, June 15, 2023

Next run is a Celebration Run - 40 Years of skidmarks and bring your own sherpa

Your Hare: Two Shoes

Location: 3 Melina Place, an extension of Currawong Rd, Yugar.

WHEN: The Hare requests we start at 3pm on 2 July 2023

WHY: To celebrate 40 years of skidmarks and bring your own sherpa. 


1. So as to avoid skidmarks bring your own chairs.

2. Two Shoes will make full use of the adjacent mountains, so bring your own sherpa.

It will be a cold evening, so don't forget to bring Skidmark's and Sherpa's hooded jackets that they so kindly donated to all SH3 Inc runners on 2 July 2013. On On


Monday, June 5, 2023

3 RUN REPORTS AND Next Run - SUNDAY 2 July 2023 at 4pm


The celebration run for the Coronation of King Charles III was held on 7 May 2023. Hares Stubby and Schnapps arranged typically English weather for the occasion and set a run alone the banks of the South Pine River. 

Afterwards the Hash celebrated the King's Coronation by gathering at the Undambi Rotary Reserve and feasting on Schnapps' Coronation Chicken wraps. Skidmark and Sherpa kindly donated Coronation mugs depicting members of "The Firm" and Flower sang several appropriate songs.

The Hares

Baggins wanted everyone to know why the Hare was named Stubby

Coronation Chicken Wraps were a hit

Two mugs!

Flower on the only throne that we had available


Our Birthday Hare was Tail and she did us proud by setting us a run around one of Brisbane's best small but interesting wildlife areas, the Raven Street Reserve. 

Ryvita returned after a long absence from SH3 and new to SH3 was "Strong As", "Pounda" and new Hashers Greg and Martine, welcome to you all.

Hash Songs
Pounda and Tail

Greg, Martine and Strong As

Thanks for dinner and cakes Tail, On On


Your Hares: You will be surprised

Location: Yet another surprise, you will be advised by email

Time: 4pm on 2 July 2023