Sunday, June 28, 2015

Next Run - Sunday 5th July 2015 at 4 PM

Your Hares: Stubby and Schnapps

Location:  TBA soon

Time: 4 PM on 5th July

Thank you to VD and Bite n Suck for the longest run of the year - who will we go for another record?

Crown Larger had the Hares up for their down down, Bite n Suck had the last laugh as she bragged about staying back to do the dinner, and we all told her that it was more enjoyable than the run. Thanks to VD we were all starving.
We all listened intently as Radar told us what happens when you get to 60 and there were several accounts of how well his Birthday Hash Bash had gone
Bed Pan told us a story about how Radar nearly left her behind, it was as long as the run 
Captions please for what Flower said to get VD's reaction - you could win a prize

Monday, June 1, 2015

Next Run - 7th June 2015 at 4 PM

Your Hares: Verbal Diarrhoea and Bite n Suck

Location: ARC Hill Park, off Goss Rd, Virginia. UBD page 120 - K/14

Time: 4 PM on 7th June 2015

The Walk About Creek Run

According to legend the last person to use this National Park seat was taken by a Bull Shark. The Hash crossed several streams during their run about in the Enoggera Reservoir area. Well marked trails for walkers and runners led us to a shout up near the Park HQ.
Lost and Found was a welcome guest and given a down down for his first run with SH3 Inc
Very wisely Grouse Sheila left her new shoes behind, but it didn't stop her from trying to dob others in. XXXX and Crown Larger were thanked for the run and we all gave Crown Larger a thumbs up for her tasty hot pot. Thank Hares we all had fun.