Next Weeks Run - 29th Nov 09 at 5PM
Hash Site - Iron Bark Gully Picnic Area, on Samford Road, UBD Page 117 - F17
Hares: Stubby and Schnapps
Last weeks run was set by Speedy Snail and we were treated to a mixture of suburbia, parks and a bit of forest stream.
Meeting at Speedy Snails Condominium we were soon on our way towards Oakman Park, and then the dead ends and false trails started to kick in and it wasn't long before Derailed was our FRB.
Meanwhile the real FRB's were beginning to find out that despite this only being Speedy Snail's second time as a Hare, some considerable effort had gone into this cunning trail.
We all loved The Trees, 3000 year old somethings that had been fenced off to stop people para- gliding from them.
We all arrived back at the Codo to be treated to a choice of heated pools, and there followed some of the best Mexican ever - that's the food I mean.
It was good to see Derailed and VT again, and we welcomed XXXX, his daughters Light Ice and Tooheys Old and Bigfoot. Here is a photo of our new guests enjoying a Down Down.

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