Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Our Everton Park Run on Sunday 9th June 2024

 Good day Hashers,

Thanks to Jake the Peg we had a really great run along Kedron Brook and around the streets of Everton Park, later we were hosted to a delicious Thai green curry cooked up by Flower.

This is us gathered by Fallon Cottage. We started the run from here and headed off to Kedron Brook which we followed for some time. As usual Jake the Peg laid a well marked trail with plenty of checks. As advertised the runners arrived back home after exactly an hour with the walkers taking slightly longer and arriving home after exactly 60 minutes!

Flower and Jake the Peg received our appreciation for their efforts that afternoon, we then went on to highlight those who had committed various indiscretions along the route and later tucked into Flower's really tasty Thai green curry.   

It was a very enjoyable afternoon, thanks for turning up and and thanks to both Hares, On On

                                                                        Jake the Peg

                                                                      Smooth Ride

                                                                   Skidmark and Tail

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